This past week I was able to gross several smaller specimens
(biopsies, appendixes, gallbladders, placentas, etc.) and then I would observe
the PA as he grossed larger specimens. I’m
still getting used to dictating using the Dictaphone (and having to hear my own
voice on a recording). While shadowing
at Ruby I got used to the “Voice-over” technology and being able to see what
I’ve dictated on the computer screen as I’m working. With the Dictaphone you
press down on a foot-pedal and say your dictation into a microphone. Once you’re finished, the dictation gets sent
to the transcriptionists and they type it up for you. There were many times where I would lift my
foot off the pedal too soon and my lasts words would get cut off or sometimes I would end
up saying a sentence later in the dictation that I wished I had said earlier.
I think the highlight of my week was cutting a frozen
section for intraoperative consult with success! This was something I was
definitely nervous about doing so I was happy that I didn’t panic and was able
to cut decent sections for the Pathologist.
Another great thing about St. Clair - all the employees in
the lab are super friendly and more than willing to help me out when I have
questions. The Pathologists have been awesome at explaining certain gross
descriptions that correlate with what they see microscopically and giving me
pointers on what sections will work best for what they need to see
microscopically. The PA and the
grossing tech that work with me have been such great teachers and have been so
patient with my awkward, just-starting-out dictations and millions of
Overall I’d say my first week of rotations was a success and
I’m loving clinical year so far! On to week 2!